Anxiety-Free: Natural Treatment for Anxiety Without Medication

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed and so done with things while bouncing between work, family, health, bills, and life?

And do you think this anxious and stressful mess is endless? Well, you’re not alone.

Perhaps, you have had a history of anxiety since childhood. Think back, was your childhood an anxious one? Those traces of stress or fear might have followed you to your adult life. Or perhaps the pressure and responsibility of adult life are the reason behind your anxiety!

Whenever anxiety symptoms appear, you feel your brain is in overdrive and about to wreck. Your primitive instinct of danger is activated. Your brain signals that you are under attack, and everything will collapse. Anxiety and depression association of America reveals that in the United States, anxiety disorder is the most prevalent mental disorder; almost 40 million adults are affected by it. 

You may have tried to find some relief if you struggle with anxiety. Like countless others, you may have tried to get help through medication. While Anti-anxiety medication can provide much-needed relief, there is quite a price for it, both literal and figurative.

The medication can be heavy on your pocket and can also bring many side effects, such as sleeplessness, decreased libido, shakiness, nervousness, and increased hunger. 

There are some alternative treatment methods for anxiety other than medication. These alternative treatments do work. The important thing is you should discuss your situation with a well-informed and expert healthcare provider about your concerns related to medication.

You can learn more about these alternative treatments on health and wellness websites and blogs like this one! To heal anxiety naturally and without medication, keep learning about therapy, diet and nutrition, exercise, and other alternative methods to heal anxiety without medications. 

Natural Remedies To Treat Anxiety.

When dealing with anxiety, it can feel overwhelming and stressful, but it is treatable. Each person will find their way and discover relief with treatment. While some people benefit from taking medication, others succeed with natural remedies. Below are six popular methods to consider:

1. Alternative Treatment

Many people benefit from alternative therapies like massage, chiropractic care, and acupuncture. These treatments have helped people with their anxiety symptoms without using Anti-anxiety medication. Massage can ease and relax your body, remove all the tiredness and fatigue, and induce relaxation.

The same goes for chiropractor care and acupuncture; it helps you release your body’s stuck anxiety and stress. All these natural remedies, treatments, and practices can help you heal your anxiety without medication or help you get off medications. Taking care of your mental and physical health should be your priority, as stress can disturb your whole life if left untreated or only treated with medications. 

2. Go To Therapy

Going to therapy is a highly effective way to treat anxiety without medication. Although therapy is almost a luxury and privilege, not everybody can access a good psychotherapist. American Psychological Association highlights that therapy is more successful in treating anxiety than medication.

During a therapy session, you can talk about your anxiety and your fears, and the talk happens in a non-judgemental and supportive environment. Saying things out loud and talking them out makes you feel better and realize that you are heard and not alone. Talking to a therapist can help you develop a coping mechanism and mentally strengthen you. 

3. Join a Support Group 

Anxiety is a very isolating and lonely experience. You may struggle to connect with people, and wanting a support group can help you. Support groups, like in-person meetings, virtual sessions, or anonymous online platforms, can be in different forms.

Sometimes therapists help with support groups. Joining a support group gives you a chance to talk about your struggles and feelings, and you also get a chance to listen to other people’s struggle stories. By joining, you will feel less isolated and feel heard and supported. 

Apart from joining a support group, you also need support and understanding from your loved ones. If you try to connect and bond with your family and friends and find them supportive, you want to get better; this social support from loved ones can do wonders to heal your anxiety without medication. Families should also put effort into learning more about anxiety. 

4. Make a Sleep Schedule 

How do you manage your sleep schedule with your busy schedule, modern life, and so much work to do? Maybe there is not enough time to sleep. Some people around you even brag about their insomniac habits and only sleep for three or four hours.

You need to realize that you are a human, not a robot. Sleep can be hard to find with anxiety disorder and when taking any medication. But you need to commit to taking care of your mental and physical health, and to do that, you need proper sleep. A good night’s sleep can help you heal from exhaustion and stress. Sleep deprivation is a significant contributor to triggering anxiety.

Do not try to be a superhuman or a night owl; go to bed early and sleep for 8 to nine hours. If it is hard to fall asleep, read a paper book that will make you fall asleep. Better sleep means a better morning and the whole day. Proper sleep is such an effective way to heal anxiety without medication. 

5. A Healthy Diet Is Important 

If you suffer from an anxiety disorder, you may also have a habit of skipping meals or overeating under stress. Both are unhelpful. Your blood sugar level drops by skipping meals, and a stress hormone called cortisol is released. As you already struggle with anxiety, cortisol can make you feel worse. But overeating when under stress is equally bad. 

Overindulging in junk food and sugar can stimulate anxiety symptoms, which is terrible for your overall physical health. You need a healthy and balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, healthy protein, and fats (if you are not allergic to any). You should make a schedule and make a habit of not eating late at night. You will soon discover the positive impact. 

Furthermore, it would be best to reduce your caffeine and alcohol intake. Caffeine is a stimulant that paces brain activity and makes you feel restless. So, try to avoid it late in the evening, and before bed should be a big NO. Many studies also support that caffeine intake causes higher stress and anxiety. 

6. Get Out And Exercise 

Exercise is perhaps the last thing while your mind is in anxious overdrive. When exercise and physical movement are suggested, you may think about the possible post-workout soreness and tiredness.

Or even worse, your mind takes you to the worst-case scenario where you have a heart attack during or after a physical workout. But, exercise is an effective and natural way to heal anxiety. Get moving whenever you’re having an anxiety attack, anxious thoughts, and feel helpless! Go for a walk, a run, do physical exercise, whatever suits you.

Physical movement raises the level of endorphins and serotonin, which helps you feel better. Physical activity and exercise also help you take your mind off the things currently making you feel anxious. Distraction sometimes serves for good purpose. Make a habit of exercising or physical activity for at least 30 minutes four to five days a week. Do not aim for a painful workout; first, go slow with a gentle run or a straightforward exercise. 

If you have any further doubts or questions regarding this subject or another treatment, contact one of our experienced Acupuncturists or Registered Massage Therapists here at West End Wellness Clinic. You can either give us a call or make an appointment.

Disclaimer: Please remember this article is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice. Please consult a healthcare provider or someone with the correct qualifications before starting any new exercise or treatment program.


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