What To Expect During Your First Postpartum Massage

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    There is nothing more wondering than welcoming a new baby into the world. It is an experience filled with joy, love, and significant physical and emotional changes. 

    Among the myriad of adjustments, postpartum recovery plays a crucial role in a new mother's journey. While there are prenatal massages, looking at giving yourself a postpartum massage is also essential. Taking time to enjoy a treatment can be a nurturing way to help in the recovery process. 

    So, if you're considering a postnatal massage for the first time, we want to help you understand what to expect can help you feel more at ease and maximize the benefits of this therapeutic experience.

    What is a Postnatal Massage?

    A postnatal massage is a therapeutic body massage that focuses on the new mother's specific needs. It is designed to help with the following:

    • The body recovers from pregnancy and childbirth, 

    • Provide relief from muscle soreness, 

    • Reduce swelling, 

    • Promoting overall wellness. 

    Unlike a regular massage, a postnatal massage pays special attention to the abdomen, hips, and lower back, which are significantly impacted during pregnancy and childbirth.

    When Can a New Mom Start a Postpartum Massage?

    Generally, women who have had a vaginal delivery without complications can begin receiving massages as soon as they feel comfortable, often within a few days after giving birth. 

    However, for mothers who have undergone cesarean sections, it is advisable to wait until the wound has sufficiently healed and their doctor has given the green light, usually around 4-6 weeks postpartum. 

    With all body imbalances, it is always important to listen to your body, and if you are still trying to decide, consult with a professional practitioner or your healthcare professionals who can help guide you on the best timing to start these massages.

    What are the Benefits of Postnatal Massage?

    If you were looking the Importance & Benefits of Postpartum Massage, then here are 4 to help encourage yourself to take some time to book an appointment for yourself.

    1. Better Sleep

    There is no getting away from it; the late night and early morning feeds will impact your sleep. It should come as no surprise that new mothers often struggle with sleep due to the demands of newborn care, plus the hormonal changes they experience. 

    The relaxation induced by a postnatal massage can significantly improve sleep quality. Taking time for yourself will allow your body to relax, releasing endorphins that will make you feel good and release natural pain relief into the body, which are particularly valuable.

    2. Boost Lymphatic Drainage

    Massage helps stimulate the lymphatic system, aiding in the reduction of swelling and enhancing the removal of toxins from the body. One of the many changes a new mother will see is increased body fluids. When you have a postpartum massage, you will find it will help clear out the fluids as quickly as possible. 

    This will help to reduce swelling and help remove any harmful toxins from your body. If you want to know more about lymphatic drainage, you can learn more from our article "What Is A Manual Lymph Drainage Massage?"

    3. Increase Blood Flow

    During and after labour, new mums will experience a period when they may find themselves lying or in positions with minimal movement. This will result in less circulation, which will not only be uncomfortable for the new mum but slow down recovery.

    You will want to look to improved circulation, and massage can accelerate recovery by ensuring that vital nutrients and oxygen are efficiently distributed throughout the body.

    4. Enhances Breastfeeding

    After giving birth, the body will find itself on a daily struggle to replenish and recover. An area that will become tighter will be around your chest and shoulder as you find yourself carrying your newborn. 

    No matter how healthy you were before, the carrying can result in hunching forward, especially when breastfeeding. This can affect the milk ducts, which may become slightly blocked, causing milk flow to slow down. 

    Massage can reduce breast tenderness and improve milk flow by relieving tension around the chest and shoulders, creating a more comfortable breastfeeding experience.

    A common problem that postpartum mums may experience is the inflammation of the breast tissue, also known as Mastitis. A massage can help reduce inflammation and provide relief. 

    What Areas Can Postpartum Massage Help With?

    So, you are slowly coming around to the fact that having some time can benefit you and your child. So now, what areas can postpartum massage help with? Here are other areas where your body will feel the aches and pains and where a massage can help. 

    1. Reduces Neck Pain and Tension Headaches

    The tension from nursing and carrying a newborn can lead to neck pain and headaches. Postnatal massage targets these areas, offering relief from these common postpartum discomforts.

    2. Reduces Back Pain

    Another area that will become strained will be on your back. You may have been feeling this while pregnant, and yet the issue will not go away after childbirth. But you can be alleviated through targeted massage techniques, providing much-needed relief from back pain.

    3. Reduces Wrist Pain

    Activities such as holding and nursing your baby can lead to wrist pain or conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome. Massage can help reduce this discomfort significantly.

    4. Relieves Achy Legs/Feet

    The extra weight carried during pregnancy can leave legs and feet feeling sore. Massage helps in reducing this achiness, promoting a sense of lightness and mobility.

    5. Helps with Postpartum Blues

    By promoting relaxation and aiding in the release of endorphins, postnatal massage can play a role in mitigating feelings of sadness or anxiety that some new mothers experience.

    What Position is the Postpartum Massage?

    When you see a registered massage therapist, they will want to focus firstly on safety and comfort, as these are paramount during a postpartum massage. 

    Therapists often use side-lying positions or specially designed pillows to ensure comfort, especially for mothers who have recently given birth. 

    These positions help safely access the areas most in need of attention without putting undue pressure on the abdominal area.

    What Will I Do with My Baby During My Postpartum Massage?

    Many new mothers wonder about the logistics of caring for their newborn during the massage. 

    Some will be fortunate to have a partner or family member who can care for their child. There is always the option to plan your massage with your baby's nap time, as this will hopefully result in a peaceful baby as mum gets her rest. 

    Communicating your needs with your massage therapist will help plan the most comfortable arrangement for you and your baby.

    How Do I Make the Effects of My Postpartum Massage Last?

    Each mother will have their own methods and ways to make the effects of a postpartum massage last. But the key elements to remember after getting a massage are the following:

    1. Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water after a massage helps flush toxins from the body and maintains muscle elasticity, prolonging the benefits of the massage.

    2. Practice Self-Massage: Learning simple self-massage techniques for use between professional sessions can help extend the positive effects of your postpartum massage.

    3. Move Your Body: Gentle exercises, such as walking or postnatal yoga, can keep muscles loose and promote circulation, supporting the body's recovery process.

    4. Perform Light Stretching: Incorporating light stretching into your daily routine can help maintain the flexibility and range of motion achieved through massage.

    Embarking on your first postpartum massage journey can be an enriching experience. We hope this article has helped you understand what to expect and how to maximize the benefits. 

    You can make this therapeutic practice a valuable part of your postnatal recovery and overall well-being. Here at West End Wellness, we have the experience to guide you towards recovery, and we encourage new mothers to take the time for themselves as they begin their journey in motherhood.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out, and one of our practitioners will be more than happy to help. 

    If you have any further doubts or questions regarding this subject or another treatment, contact one of our experienced Acupuncturists or Registered Massage Therapists here at West End Wellness Clinic. You can either give us a call or make an appointment.

    Disclaimer: Please remember this article is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice. Please consult a healthcare provider or someone with the correct qualifications before starting any new exercise or treatment program.


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