Massage therapist in black attire applying pressure with hands on the back of a prone client.

Postpartum Massage | Soothe, Recover, Rejuvenate at West End Wellness, Vancouver

Postpartum Massage has excellent benefits to help new mums recover after giving birth. The treatment can help alleviate muscle tensions from giving birth, reduce swelling, improve circulation with a milk product, plus all the other benefits of having some time to relax and enjoy a massage. If you live in downtown Vancouver, book your appointment today and experience a postpartum massage.

After pregnancy and birth, the female body undergoes physical and emotional transformations.

It's a period of intense adjustment, and knowing what to expect can make all the difference. Here at West End Wellness, we recognize the magnitude of these changes and are committed to supporting you through this significant phase of your life with expertise and empathy.

Physical Changes Postpartum

Postpartum recovery involves several physical changes that can be quite challenging. Your uterus begins to contract to return to its pre-pregnancy size, a process accompanied by "after-pains" that, although painful, serve a crucial purpose. These contractions help expel any remaining clots and control hemorrhaging at the placental site, ensuring your body recovers safely and effectively.

You might also notice changes such as:

  • Loosened abdominal muscles

  • Shifts in the position of internal organs like intestines and bladder due to the space previously occupied by the baby

  • An increase in urine output, hot flashes, and significant sweating as your body eliminates excess fluids

Emotional Adjustments

Becoming a parent introduces a whirlwind of emotional changes. The joy of welcoming a new baby is immense, yet the responsibility can feel overwhelming. Hormonal fluctuations may cause mood swings, headaches, and other physical symptoms, adding to the emotional rollercoaster of early parenthood.

What Is Postpartum Massage?

Postpartum Massage is similar to a regular massage. A qualified and registered massage therapist helps treat and relax tense muscles and improves circulation and mobility.

Like all good massages, it will also help you relax and reduce fatigue, anxiety, swelling, muscle soreness, and other physical and emotional factors that new mothers can experience in the days and weeks following birth.

A woman's stages when conceiving is a beautiful blessing that comes with a journey of joy and hardships. Both pregnancy and giving birth bring physical changes to your body and affect you physically plus mentally. 

Each woman will have their own story to tell, but all will agree that an array of stress on the body from the beginning of their journey into motherhood does not stop after they have given birth. 

An option for mothers who experience discomfort during pregnancy is to have a prenatal massage throughout the nine months. This massage is safe for both mother and child and helps relieve the pains and discomforts of pregnancy.

When it comes to Postpartum Massage, it is to help look after new mothers as they get their bodies and mental well-being recharged. The treatment aims to alleviate muscle tension, cramps and spasms in the legs, hips, lower back, rib cage and neck areas. While helping improve blood and lymph flow can help reduce swelling, particularly in the lower body. 

From the beginning of childbirth, a new mother will experience the first significant change to their body, which is when the placenta is expelled, and the shape and size of the mother's uterus completely changes.

An abdominal massage after birth is very helpful in contracting the uterus and abdominal muscles and helping them return to their normal shape and size.

It also increases the flow of postpartum discharge, and Postpartum massage has unlimited benefits that will give you a healthy and speedy recovery. The postpartum abdominal massage for women who gave normal birth or had a C-section is quite different from each other.

Body and joint swelling and pain are common symptoms of new mothers, resulting from low blood circulation and lymphatic drainage.

Holding the baby while sitting and breastfeeding can cause back pain, sore muscles, and tiredness. A postpartum massage will focus on these specific areas, including a back, shoulder, and chest massage, to relieve those aching pains. 

All the mothers who received postpartum massage have claimed an improvement in the quality of their sleep. The purpose of a postpartum massage is to better your relaxation, mental and physical health, and balance the hormones; this is possible only when you are getting a night of good deep sleep. 

Aching and physically changed body, swollen joints, stretch marks, a baby who constantly needs to be taken care of and demands your attention, leading to sleep deprivation, is what motherhood comes with.

After reading about this journey, you can see why the magic of a postpartum massage is a great option for a new mother. This connection, relaxation of both physical and emotional nerves, can help energize you. 

How Can Postpartum Massage Help?

Postpartum massage offers several benefits during the recovery process after childbirth.

One significant advantage is the support it provides for uterine contraction and recovery. A gentle abdominal massage can be particularly effective shortly after delivery.

This massage should be performed with light, circular kneading strokes in a clockwise direction. This technique aims to assist the uterus in contracting and returning to its pre-pregnancy size, a process known as involution.

This massage can also encourage the natural process of postpartum discharge, helping to clear the uterus of excess blood and tissue.

For new mothers who have undergone a natural delivery, the mother or a trained massage therapist can safely perform this massage. It is typically recommended to perform this massage every four hours during the initial postpartum period until the discharge lightens, usually for about 2-3 weeks.

It's important to note that mothers who have had a cesarean section should follow a modified approach under the guidance of a healthcare provider or a specialized massage therapist to ensure safety and proper care.

Benefits Of Getting A Postpartum Massage 

Acknowledging the significance of postpartum care is essential, as the right support can profoundly impact a new mother's physical recovery and emotional well-being. Postpartum massage is a therapeutic practice that offers a wide range of benefits designed to address the unique needs of women who have just given birth.

Here are several key benefits of receiving a postpartum massage:

Benefit Reason
Hormonal Regulation Massage helps balance body hormones, reducing symptoms of postpartum depression and mood swings.
Reduction of Swelling Through stimulation of soft tissues, massage helps reduce fluid retention, a common postpartum issue.
Better Sleep Relaxation techniques used in massage can improve sleep quality, crucial for new mothers coping with fatigue.
Pain Relief Alleviates pains from labor and delivery, as well as chronic conditions exacerbated by pregnancy, such as lower back pain.
Improved Breastfeeding Massage can improve lactation by reducing stress and promoting relaxation, making breastfeeding easier and more comfortable.
Faster Healing Specifically designed techniques can help speed up the recovery process by improving blood flow and tissue repair, particularly for cesarean section incisions.
Emotional Support Beyond the physical benefits, the gentle, nurturing touch of a massage provides emotional relief and fosters a sense of overall well-being.

Incorporating postpartum massage into your recovery plan can significantly enhance your healing process, allowing you to focus more on bonding with your baby.

Our clinic's skilled registered massage therapists are trained to address your specific postpartum needs, ensuring that you receive the most beneficial and comforting experience possible. If you're considering postpartum massage, we encourage you to reach out and learn how these treatments can be tailored to your recovery journey.

Who Can Get A Postpartum Massage, When And Why? 

A prenatal massage involves a soft tissue massage that reduces fluid that may cause inflammation, swollen joints, and body fatigue.

Just like that, postpartum massage helps new mothers regain their physical and mental health once they are done giving birth. The enormous number of changes that occur in the body during and after pregnancy are sometimes difficult to deal with. 

New mothers need their time of relaxation to recharge their bodies. Women who experience miscarriages or stillbirths also need a postpartum massage as they are equally or even more vulnerable and prone to postpartum depression.

Postpartum Massage is significantly helpful to all these women. It is more effective during the first three months after delivery. Massage, in general, is effective because of touch. 

A soft-touch approach is important to achieve a relaxed state. A soft touch will increase the chance for mothers to connect with the newborn and with themselves. All the women who experienced pregnancy deserve a postpartum massage to rejuvenate. 

What To Expect From A Postpartum Massage

If you're considering a postpartum massage, it's important to know what to expect, so you can feel relaxed and get the most out of your session. Here’s a guide to what typically happens during a postpartum massage:

Comfort and Safety First: Your massage therapist will ensure you are comfortable and safe throughout the session. This often involves using pillows for support and finding a position that is relaxing for you, such as lying on your side if you're not comfortable on your stomach, especially soon after childbirth.

  1. Focus on Key Areas: The therapist will focus on areas that are commonly affected by pregnancy and childbirth. This includes the lower back, shoulders, neck, and hips. Techniques may vary depending on your specific needs and any areas of tension or pain.

  2. Gentle Techniques: The techniques used in postpartum massage are generally gentle and soothing. The goal is to promote relaxation and recovery. The massage may include long strokes, kneading, and gentle pressure to help ease muscle tension and improve circulation.

  3. Duration: A typical postpartum massage session can last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on your comfort level and the services offered by the clinic or spa.

  4. Communication: Throughout the massage, your therapist should communicate with you to ensure you are comfortable and that the pressure and techniques are to your liking. This is a time to relax and heal, so feedback is important.

  5. Emotional Support: Postpartum massages are not only about physical recovery; they also offer emotional support. The soothing effect of the massage can help alleviate the emotional stress of new motherhood.

  6. Aftercare Advice: After the session, the therapist may offer advice on how to extend the benefits of the massage, such as through hydration, rest, and gentle stretching.

What to Expect from a Postpartum Massage

If you're considering a postpartum massage, it's important to know what to expect, so you can feel relaxed and get the most out of your session. Here’s a guide to what typically happens during a postpartum massage:

  1. Comfort and Safety First: Your massage therapist will ensure you are comfortable and safe throughout the session. This often involves using pillows for support and finding a position that is relaxing for you, such as lying on your side if you're not comfortable on your stomach, especially soon after childbirth.

  2. Focus on Key Areas: The therapist will focus on areas that are commonly affected by pregnancy and childbirth. This includes the lower back, shoulders, neck, and hips. Techniques may vary depending on your specific needs and any areas of tension or pain.

  3. Gentle Techniques: The techniques used in postpartum massage are generally gentle and soothing. The goal is to promote relaxation and recovery. The massage may include long strokes, kneading, and gentle pressure to help ease muscle tension and improve circulation.

  4. Duration: A typical postpartum massage session can last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on your comfort level and the services offered by the clinic or spa.

  5. Communication: Throughout the massage, your therapist should communicate with you to ensure you are comfortable and that the pressure and techniques used are to your liking. This is a time for you to relax and heal, so feedback is important.

  6. Emotional Support: Postpartum massages are not only about physical recovery; they also offer emotional support. The soothing effect of the massage can help alleviate the emotional stress of new motherhood.

  7. Aftercare Advice: After the session, the therapist may offer advice on how to extend the benefits of the massage, such as through hydration, rest, and gentle stretching.

Each massage experience can be tailored to suit your specific postpartum needs.

It’s important to choose a therapist who is experienced in postpartum massage to ensure that they are knowledgeable about the unique needs of new mothers.

This type of massage is an excellent way to take care of yourself during the postpartum period. It helps you recover physically and emotionally while you adjust to motherhood.

We aim to provide a sanctuary where you can feel cared for and understood. Our approach is not just about treating symptoms but nurturing your overall well-being as you adapt to this new phase of life.

Remember, you're not alone on this journey. Our clinic supports you and ensures you receive the care you need to thrive as a new mother. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any concerns or support. We're here to help every step of the way.

Let us be your partner in health and well-being.

Take the first step on your journey to optimal health and wellness. Book an appointment with one of our practitioners today. We are here to help you achieve your health goals, reduce pain, and improve your quality of life.

For any questions, or concerns, or to schedule an appointment, feel free to contact us at: